Apprenticeships are a successful way to get hands-on experience whilst gaining knowledge and skills for life, making them an essential career pathway for individuals across the UK.
93% of apprentices remain employed on completion, with the median earnings of these individuals being £24,920 after just 5 years (source: naw.appawards.co.uk), indicating the sheer success of choosing an apprenticeship pathway.
National Apprenticeship Week is held annually in February to highlight the impact and benefits of apprenticeships.
It is a celebration that brings together businesses and apprentices across the UK, shining a light on the positive impact apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses, and the wider economy.
Aico advocates apprenticeships as a valid career route and has been supporting this year’s National Apprenticeship Week by attending a variety of relevant events.
Colleagues attended Moreton School Careers Fair to discuss potential career options with pupils. Harry Bower, Finance Clerk Apprentice, was amongst those who attended and said:
“It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm and curiosity of the students at the Careers Fair. National Apprentice Week is a critical reminder that apprenticeships offer a fantastic alternative to traditional education, providing valuable hands-on experience and real-world skills. I was happy to give them an insight into what my apprenticeship entails, and many students and families viewed it as a valid alternative to other options such as University.”
Several colleagues attended an ‘All About Apprenticeships’ event, held at Shrewsbury Town FC, where a range of local employers showcased opportunities available via apprenticeships.
A number of the team delivered an Enterprise Challenge to over 100 students at local school, St Martins. The workshop was designed for them to learn more about teamwork and the various progression routes Aico has to offer.
Aico prides itself on high levels of employee development and encourages career progression, making it the perfect environment for apprentices.
We work in partnership with SBC Training, based in Shrewsbury, to provide training and support to ensure apprentices progress through their apprenticeship programme.
With more than 1,500 apprenticeship job roles across the UK currently available (source: amazingapprenticeships.com), there is no better time to create your own story and become an apprentice.
To find out more about apprenticeships at Aico, visit: www.aico.co.uk/about-us/careers/apprenticeships/.
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